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Rissa's Christmas Tale

This wonderful holiday book introduces happy Rissa, a right whale calf who is excited about Christmas. Rissa loses some of her holiday cheer when she gets a scrape on her large tail. Her mom comes to the rescue, bandages the tail, and covers the bandage with a beautiful bow. Rissa quickly cheers up and can keep her holiday plans, including going to her first Christmas party. Rissa's holiday is saved! Through the rhyme, we get to know the sweet North Atlantic right whale Rissa in a light-hearted way, though adults may choose to use the book to discuss our world's real-life, endangered right whales with some children. Today, many kind people work hard to save whales from boat strikes, entanglement, and other issues. It is important that children learn to appreciate the ocean's amazing animals, such as right whales, so that they want to help protect them. Rissa's first chapter book is an educational adventure that comes out soon! We hope that you love this young whale calf as much as we do!

From "Rissa's Christmas Tale"

Text and Images © Margie McMahon, 2019